Pimples are a serious problem that you can face at any age. And its discomfort is not only physical (it is painful, and sometimes bleeding), but also psychological: many because of acne face difficulties in communication, lose confidence, become “hostages” of the emerging complexes. Today we will tell you how to get rid of acne at home.
Specialists from different fields of medicine claim that there is no single answer to the question about the causes of acne appearance. But it is the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon and the treatment method will depend on it.
If you have an acne or inflammation covered the whole face, it may mean that:
You do not eat properly and / or have disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.
Abuse of fast food, fried food, and overnutrition in general cause skin problems. In addition, acne is an excuse to visit a gastroenterologist, as rashes can indicate the presence of ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis.
What to do?
Visit a doctor, take tests, review the diet: eat more fruits and vegetables, but less flour, fast food and semi-finished products, if possible, refuse from “heavy” food – mayonnaise (including dressing based on it and sauces), smoked meats, sausages, fries and so on.
You do not take care of your skin properly. The use of creams that do not match the type of skin, improper cleaning, misuse of cosmetics – all this can lead to rashes. Even shaving gels can cause acne in men.
What to do?
Clean your face twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Do not be lazy to wash off the cosmetics before going to bed! Visit your beautician to determine your skin type and choose the appropriate care products.
Pay attention!
If you have acne, do not clean your face at home under any circumstances. This only traumatizes your skin and increases inflammation. For the same reason, it is undesirable to use facial scrubs as well.
You have a hormonal failure. Hormonal failure is one of the most common causes of acne both in adolescence and in adults. Women may suffer from acne during menstruation, after pregnancy or in other cases when hormonal imbalance occurs.
What to do?
Visit an endocrinologist and gynecologist, to be tested for hormone levels in the blood. Keep in mind that a hormonal failure can lead to serious health problems – for example, polycystic ovaries and mastopathy in women, so do not put off a long box.
As you can see, often the appearance of acne depends on health problems. But to find out the exact reason, it is better to see a dermatologist, who will most likely send you to take tests or to see other specialists.
Sometimes, however, the problem can be solved more easily with proven home remedies.
Ways to Get rid of Pimples
Pimple masks
Kefir Mask
You will need: one glass of kefir, a glass of oatmeal, a little lemon.
Preparation: Mix the kefir and oatmeal flakes pre-crushed in a blender, add a drop of lemon, apply the resulting mass on your face for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily for a month.
Honey mask
You will need: two teaspoons of quality honey, one yolk, lemon (a couple of drops). Preparation: mix everything, apply for 10 minutes. It is enough three to five procedures.
Mask of laundry soap
You will need: a piece of household soap, one teaspoon of fine salt. Cooking: grate the soap and whisk it into the foam with some water. Mix the resulting foam (one tablespoon) with the salt and apply for 30 minutes, then rinse. Perform the procedure three times a week for a month.
Tinctures from pimples
Pimple tinctures can be used as lotions: rub problem skin with them twice a day.
- One of the most effective folk remedies for pimples is chamomile infusion. Fill a teaspoon of chamomile with a glass of boiling water, leave it for 30 minutes and strain it.
- Another remedy, known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, is aloe juice. For a lotion, you can use pure (freshly squeezed) juice or diluted (with water or, for example, potato juice at the rate of two to one).
Folk remedies
Get rid of pimples – half a week, because after their disappearance can remain deep scars and potholes on the skin – postacne. It is believed that folk remedies help to get rid of the pimple marks:
- The use of sandalwood paste is considered one of the most effective ways to get rid of acne marks. For its preparation you will need sandalwood powder, which should be soaked in water (you can also use rose water or milk) at night. The paste is applied to the problem areas and washed off after it dries up (in 10-15 minutes);
- Lemon juice is also good for getting rid of scars – just rub the lemon in the problem areas. However, it’s quite aggressive, and in its pure form, you should use it with care if you have thin sensitive skin;
- Pour the parsley decoction over the moulds and freeze, then rub it on your face for two to three months daily. To prepare the decoction itself, pour a glass of boiling water over the finely chopped parsley and leave for 30 minutes.